Welcome to Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society (SSEAWS)
Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society (SSEAWS), is an all India nonprofit organization Registered under the society act 1860, envisions achieving a child-caring society that respects their rights. Since its establishment in 2009, SSEAWS has been engaged in the empowerment of street- connected children in various parts of North India, making unceasing efforts towards breaking the vicious cycle of their poverty and ensuring easy access to the basic rights of protection, education, healthcare, participation and opportunities for a livelihood.
Why Choose Us
We attempt to bring change by pioneering innovative models and committed partnerships.
we are committed to in ensuring street-connected children attain their long due rights and improve their quality of life.
Our Evolve
We involve both in designing models & programs, have led SSEAWS to evolve as a truly child-centered organization.