Culture Activity Prog.:
As per mission statement, Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society (SSEAWS), emphasis on the overall development of the student and extracurricular activities plays vital role for the same. Cultural activities lead the development of many important soft skills such as resource management, public speaking, morals, ethics and many more. Salma Tyagi is without doubt the biggest and mostly awaited cultural programme being organized every year by Institute of Technology, Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society (SSEAWS). The campus is well equipped with the necessary state of art infrastructure to facilitate all types of cultural activities.
Music :- Solo Song , Duet Song , Group Song, Classical Vocal, Classical Instrumental, Dance :-Solo Dance, Group Dance, Folk Dance, Theatre :- Drama ,Skit, Mime, Mimicry, Literacy Event :-Debate , Elocution, Fine Arts :- On the spot painting, Collage, Cartooning, Rangoli, Increases creativity in problem- solving through new perspectives, ideas, and strategies;, Increases respect and mutual understanding among those involved; Increases participation and involvement of other cultural groups.
Women Awareness Prog.:
Other activities like stalls of snacks & tea and riders/ Jhullas were also available in the Women Celebrations Day. The community women has been formed to address various issues pertaining to women like domestic violence, dowry, child marriage, as well as other exploitations. Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society Women Awareness programme in the community. Women’s Day Celebrations was organised on 25th March 2023 from 2 pm to 4 pm at Delhi, where more than 53 dwellers including a large number of women and girls participated. Different activities like group songs; dances on folk songs, speeches, sharing were organised in the Women Celebrations Day.
Science Exhibition :
Shradha Saburi Educational and Welfare Society organize Science Exhibition. Association meetings are again being held, it is possible to resume the important and interesting Science Exhibition. The Exhibition, which has long been an integral part of the meetings, will be housed in the School, located on Market Street between 5th and 7th Streets. The building is conveniently located with respect to the meetings of the various sections, which will be held in nearby mother dairy. The same high standards in effect during prewar years have been maintained for this year’s Exhibition, and we wish to express our appreciation for the cooperation we have received from the exhibitors . Suggestions and recommendations for the development of new laboratory instruments will be discussed with those interested at our booth. Guests at the Science Exhibition are cordially invite. It is our hope, however, that it will be possible to have available complete information which may be obtained at the Registration Desk to be located in the center of the Exhibition area. At our request, the exhibitors have furnished us with the following descriptions of their exhibits.
Road Safety Awareness Prog. :
Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society undertook the following activities for the road safety Raising road safety consciousness among the road users. Publicity campaign on road safety providing medical aid facilities to the victims of road accidents improving road safety in all Delhi At the venue of the programme organized in east Delhi, necessary banners/boards would be displayed. The logo of road safety was displayed. The organization organized Eye Camp for drivers. In this programme 62 Nos. of drivers (both auto and bus driver) were participated, eye check-up, eye drop was given to needy drivers. Handouts, pamphlets were also distributed to the beneficiaries to aware people about the road safety.
Health Awareness Camp :
Shradha Saburi Educational and Welfare Society organize Health Awareness Programme. Due to unawareness & in the lack of proper attention & care, there are always high risks of transmitted diseases in children, particularly those who residing in slums. To make the community children and their parents especially their mothers aware on health & hygiene and sanitation as well as monitor children health, Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society had initiated health camps in its DA. Society was organized one health check-up camps in the year 2022, where 68 children including 71 girls were got examined and advised, some of them were provided medicines, tonics etc. by the visiting doctor.
Environment Awareness Camp :
Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society will organized meeting and environment awareness camp involving the all Resident Welfare Association, Household , maids etc. during which , the new system of Biodiversity (from door- to- door) and concept of source segregation will explained to them. Handouts and pamphlets will be distributed to the participants of these programs and meeting organization community mobilizes will interact with resident /housewives on day to day basis and convince them to keep two bins and separate Biodiversity at source .Bio diversity has an intrinsic value that is worth protecting regardless of its value to humans. The environment has a limited currying Capacity. The vast number of living arranges are getting there accommodation from this limited space –biodiversity provides many ecosystem services that are often not readily visible living thing are in the dependent intricately linker in birth death and renewal.