Shradha Saburi Educational And Welfare Society (SSEAWS), is an all India nonprofit organization Registered under the society act 1860, envisions achieving a child-caring society that respects their rights. Since its establishment in 2009, SSEAWS has been engaged in the empowerment of street- connected children in various parts of North India, making unceasing efforts towards breaking the vicious cycle of their poverty and ensuring easy access to the basic rights of protection, education, healthcare, participation and opportunities for a livelihood. We have successfully been able to design and implement innovative models such as Contact Point-based alternative education, ensuring retention of street-connected children in government schools through Education Clubs with proven outcomes. We work for all kinds of street children, regardless of gender, origin, or religion, inspired by an underlying ethic of compassion for their vulnerability and extreme marginalization. Considering the nature of their vulnerability and challenges of working with them, we build deep partnerships with non-profits, businesses, governments, and local administrations, based on a shared vision of prosperity for street-connected children. Working with our partners—ranging from socially responsible corporations, NGOs, governments—we are committed to in ensuring street-connected children attain their long due rights and improve their quality of life. We attempt to bring change by pioneering innovative models and committed partnerships. In developing innovative models and programs, we actively involve children, and by doing so, we have been quite successful in harnessing their ingenious creativity and skills. Participation of children has been of central significance in our entire activities: we involve them both in designing models/programs as well as their implementation on ground. All these have led SSEAWS to evolve as a truly child-centered organization.